Hear from our inaugural CHS cohort!

March 14, 2022

PANG Ka Wing joined the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) from Anglo-Chinese Junior College, where she studied physics, chemistry, mathematics and geography. She opted for a Major in Pharmaceutical Science and Minor in Geosciences, a combination which allows her to pursue her interest in chemistry and passion in geography.

She is currently also working as a part-time clinic assistant. In her free time, she likes watching anime and gaming, especially Genshin Impact, exercising and writing in her bullet journal.

Why did you decide to pursue your undergraduate education with the College of Humanities and Sciences?

After my ‘A’ Levels, I was wondering what to study in university. I have always liked chemistry and mathematics, but fell particularly in love with geography.

The news of CHS was timely, considering that I wanted to pursue interdisciplinary studies covering both the humanities and science. This is why I chose CHS.

I consulted my relatives, and they felt that CHS would be a fresh and exciting experience, as I would be in the pioneer batch, and the professors themselves are trying this for the first time. To be sure, it was a risk, but then again, I wouldn’t be the only one going through this journey. That contributed to my choice.

What motivated you to select your academic course combinations?

As I studied chemistry and mathematics, I was considering either Pharmaceutical Science or Data Science and Analytics at the Faculty of Science. I ultimately chose Pharmaceutical Science as I want to contribute to the healthcare industry through drug development and delivery. I am passionate about geography and if I can manage the workload, I may convert Geosciences into a major.

My ideal end goal is to teach chemistry and geography at the secondary or Junior College level, possibly as a mid-career switch.

How has your learning experience been so far?

It has been challenging, in part because I’m still navigating and adapting to university life, and also due to the interdisciplinary modules. I’m less familiar with the content of modules such as HSA1000 (Asian Interconnections) and DTK1234 (Design Thinking). However, it isn’t insanely difficult, and I’m glad I have friends with me to discuss and to work out how to learn and do assignments from these modules. At the end of it all, I get to learn different ways of thinking and perceiving the world.

What are your thoughts on the Common Curriculum?

The common curriculum is interesting. I didn’t mind dipping my toes into the different modules that were not directly related to my major, since they have widened my horizons. In the last semester, I read HSA1000, GEA1000 (Quantitative Reasoning with Data), SP1541 (Exploring Science Communication through Popular Science) and HSH1000 (The Human Condition).

While I believe the common curriculum can be further refined, I think the content itself is interesting. For instance, under HSA1000, I learnt more about the etymology and origins of Asia, and explored Singapore’s neighbourhood history through field research. It was especially interesting to learn that Asia itself doesn’t have clear physical boundaries with other continents and is more of a social construct.

HSH1000 taught me about the ways of life and different perceptions of the world. My takeaway is to continue questioning ourselves - how and why we choose the way we live, and to discover more of ourselves this way. Under GEA1000, I picked up practical statistics and excel skills, while SP1541 taught me how to write scientific articles for laymen as well as presentation techniques. Some of the scientific books introduced in this module were fun to read as well, particularly The Selfish Gene.

I also made friends along the way. We had a Christmas gift exchange at one of their homes,  and I’ve picked up a gaming companion too!

What other programmes do you plan to take up in the future?

I would be keen to explore internships and laboratory attachments for Pharmaceutical Science this summer. I will also be participating in Dr Gretchen Coffman’s geography research project on wetland restoration for wildlife habitats.

Ka Wing and her friend from Anglo Chinese Junior College


Ka Wing with a group of her friends


Ice-skating with friends from her Pharmaceutical Science course