A melting pot for the sciences

December 3, 2021

Annabel Lim, Year 4, Life Sciences participates in the Special Programme in Science (SPS), a unique academic programme which enables students to pursue multidisciplinary science research, active peer-learning and student mentorship.

Describing herself “as quite the versatilist”, Annabel finds herself constantly drawn towards the idea of an interdisciplinary education.

She said, “I stumbled upon the SPS booth during Open House and what immediately hooked me was the interdisciplinary focus of its syllabus. As a chronic seeker of knowledge, it sounded really amazing for me.”

Hence, it comes as no surprise that Annabel is also pursuing a minor in Communications and New Media (CNM). The complementary disciplines enable her to be an effective science communicator, and to better engage the wider public and important stakeholders on environmental conservation.

Despite her initial reservations that jumping between an arts and a science discipline could lead to “mental whiplash”, now after four years Annabel says her fears were unfounded and it is a decision that she would make again if the clocks were to be turned back. And while it certainly calls for a different mindset to switch repeatedly between two disciplines, this was something she eventually became used to.

In addition to scientific, computational and communication skills gained in SPS, CNM helped her become a better science communicator. “The knock-on improvement in my clarity of expression and ergo my report-writing in my Life Science modules, was palpable.”

Annabel has a passion for nature and hopes to pursue a Masters or PhD in an environmental field after she graduates.

Find out more about the Special Programme in Science here.