

Introduction to the Writing basket of modules to be placed here.

CS1010S Programming Methodology (or its variants)

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of problem solving by computing and programming using an imperative programming language. It is the first and foremost introductory course to computing and is equivalent to CS1010 and CS1010E Programming Methodology.

Topics covered include problem solving by computing, writing pseudo-codes, basic problem formulation and problem solving, program development, coding, testing and debugging, fundamental programming constructs (variables, types, expressions, assignments, functions, control structures, etc.), fundamental data structures: arrays, strings and structures, simple file processing, and basic recursion.

The assessment of the course will be based on a mid-term test and practical exam. For more information, see the course's LumiNUS page (for enrolled students), or NUSMods.

NB: this is a required course for students considering pursuing a Minor in Computer Science; as a foundation course toward a Computer Science degree, significant depth specific to programming will be covered in this course; a strong background in Mathematics is advised for this course.

Introduction to Computer Science

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