University Town Auditorium 1

Town Plaza Seminar Rooms
1 - 4 (B4)

Stephen Riady Centre Global Learning Room (A9)

Stephen Riady Centre
Seminar Room
1 (A8)

Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium

Click on the schedule for talks information

9am - 9.45am

CHS Core Curriculum

Discover how CHS’ specially curated Common Curriculum offers you unprecedented freedom of choice in pursuing breadth and depth across academic disciplines, as well as diverse learning opportunities and student life experiences. Chart out your own pathway to suit your interests and aspirations!

10am - 10.45am

Southeast Asian Studies | South Asian Studies | History | English Language & Linguistics

Understanding Diversity and Difference

Much of the world today is characterised by diversity and difference. How do we navigate issues of race, religion, gender, and ethnicity with awareness and sensitivity? This panel suggests that inclusive curriculum design and innovative pedagogies can equip students to appreciate and interpret these complex and multi-layered notions in their educational and professional journeys. Our educators unpack what it means to teach and learn about diversity and difference as it finds expression across dynamic regions such as South and Southeast Asia, their histories, language, art and material cultures.


The Central Science

(65) 6516 6361 /
(65) 6516 2922

This talk will present the Chemistry programme under the College of Humanities and Sciences in terms of its curriculum, its centrality to other sciences and the diversity of career options. You will also find out how you can complement your Chemistry Major with other subjects and further enrich your learning experiences by undertaking internships, research projects and participating in many other opportunities and activities in NUS.

Pharmaceutical Science

Masterclass: Walking the Tightrope of Pharmacotherapy

(65) 6516 2648

The success and failure of pharmacotherapy are defined by many factors. One key factor is pharmacokinetics, which is in turn defined by the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion processes of drugs in our body. An unfavourable pharmacokinetic profile of a drug may lead to unfavourable therapeutic outcomes such as poor efficacy or potential toxicity. This talk will present a case study of the first oral anti-viral treatment for COVID-19, Paxlovid, to explain how enzymatic inhibition and induction may modulate therapeutic and toxicity outcomes. You will gain understanding of the simple concepts of pharmacotherapy and the application of fundamental biological knowledge in addressing real-life challenges.

11am - 11:45am

Geography | Anthropology | English | Japanese Studies

Why Sustainability and Climate Change Matter

Climate change has emerged from the fringe of subcultural denial to take centre stage in the last 15 years, becoming one of the most concerning issues in the 21st century, taking on critical elements of human survival. Sustainability is a buzzword within this context, referring to our ability to take on a long-term view and trajectory to managing our global problem. This is an issue that affects everyone, so how we view and understand this issue directly impacts the way we handle it. Furthermore, how do different cultures view this issue? Or have they lived in a sustainable way? What are some of the key issues and impediments in understanding or measuring climate impact and change? This panel will deliberate on some of these themes from the perspective of their disciplines and modules, suggesting how we might deepen our understanding of climate change and how we may approach the incogent issues of sustainability across different sectors.


Unlock the Secrets of Data: Learn the Techniques and Methods of Statistics

(65) 6516 8050

Are you interested in making sense of the massive amounts of data that are generated every day? Our Statistics programme will teach you how to use statistical and mathematical techniques to extract valuable insights from data. With the rapid growth of digital information, there is a huge demand for professionals with the skills and knowledge to analyse and understand this data. You will learn how statistics plays a crucial role in data collection, analysis and decision-making. You will also gain a deep understanding of how statistics is central to the intellectual core of many businesses and industries, opening up a wide range of career opportunities. From healthcare to finance to technology, the possibilities are endless. You will learn the latest techniques and methodologies and be well-equipped to make sense of the complex and ever-changing digital landscape.


Opening Doors with Physics

(65) 6516 2619

In Singapore and worldwide, physicists are sought after for diverse roles in technology companies and startups – they are hired as data scientists, they contribute in finance, consulting and the public sector, amongst others. This is because physics trains you to solve complex problems. Learn how to describe billions of electrons in a material, manipulate a single atom, query a black hole or navigate the intricacies of quantum theory – you will gain a versatile mind, ready to tackle materials, atoms, black holes, quanta, teams of people, financial markets, fabrication chains, huge databases, climate change and other emerging/future challenges.

12pm - 12:45pm

CHS Core Curriculum

Discover how CHS’ specially curated Common Curriculum offers you unprecedented freedom of choice in pursuing breadth and depth across academic disciplines, as well as diverse learning opportunities and student life experiences. Chart out your own pathway to suit your interests and aspirations!

Data Science and Economics
Cross-Disciplinary Programme

Economics Reimagined: Shape the Future with Our Data Science and Economics Programme

(65) 6516 8050

The field of economics and policymaking is undergoing a transformation with the increasing amount of digital information available. You will have the opportunity to learn how to use data science techniques to analyse and solve real-world economic problems. The financial industry is becoming more digitised, leading to new products and technologies such as financial technology, digital banking and digital currencies. With a strong foundation in both data science and economics, you will be well-equipped to navigate this data-driven environment and pursue a variety of exciting career paths.

1pm - 1:45pm

Data Science and Analytics

Elevate Your Career and Drive Business Success

(65) 6516 8050

Are you interested in using data and analytics to drive business competitiveness? Data science is a rapidly growing and exciting field that offers a wealth of opportunities for those with the right skills and knowledge. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines technical expertise with domain-specific knowledge to extract valuable insights from data and make data-driven decisions. You will gain skills and expertise that are in high demand worldwide. This programme will equip you with the analytical and communication skills you need to glean insights from data and drive business competitiveness.

Food Science and Technology

Preparing Professionals for the Future of Food and Health

(65) 6516 1656

Discover the science, technology and research that go into all types of food products. At the Department of Food Science and Technology, we apply principles from chemistry, biology, engineering and nutrition to find solutions to global issues related to food safety, security, sustainability, health and much more. You will also discover how this science discipline can take you further, around the world and in different industries.

Environmental Studies
Cross-Disciplinary Programme

Making a Difference through Environmental Studies

(65) 6601 2300

The Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) Cross-Disciplinary Programme draws on expertise from around the university and beyond to provide a deeper and more nuanced perspective to environmental issues and their solutions. Find out more about BES’ mission, the programme structure and some of its unique features at this talk.

2pm - 2:45pm

Global Studies | Economics | Theatre & Performance Studies | Malay Studies | Philosophy

Grappling with Inequality

Is inequality intrinsically bad? Can inequality be morally valuable? How is inequality manifested through everyday practices? Why should we care about income inequality or wealth inequality? Can inequality of outcomes be attributed to differences in culture? Does the Singapore education system alleviate or exacerbate inequality? Doesn't meritocracy imply that the most capable people are rewarded and are therefore deserving of their success? Is intergenerational mobility in Singapore high or low? What are the causes of inequality? If inequality is an issue, how can we — the government and society — address it? Join us as we discuss these and other thorny issues.

3pm - 3:45pm

Chinese Studies | Communications & New Media | Political Science

Security, Threats, and Resilience

Security and various forms of traditional and non-traditional threats in a globally interconnected world present us with constant challenges and concerns, within the nation-state and beyond. These include cybersecurity, cybercrime, data breaches, and AI-based misinformation; global shocks, financial crises, and political regime transitions; language rights and the multiple tensions affecting culturally and linguistically diverse societies. The panel will share how their teaching and research perspectives approach these subjects. Spanning from the historical to the hyper-modern, this exchange will open up intersecting strands of thought that will provide opportunities for us to better understand the complexity of these issues from an interdisciplinary perspective.


Math in NUS: A Door That Opens to Many Possibilities

(65) 6516 2738

This talk will cover the real-world applications of mathematics, the career prospects of mathematics graduates and the vast number of pathways that are open to you. The talk will introduce the revamped programmes under the new College of Humanities and Sciences framework offered by the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, including the Mathematics programme, and Special Programme in Mathematics.

Special Programme in Science:

What Makes the Special Programme in Science (SPS) Special?

The Special Programme in Science (SPS) was set up in 1996 to provide a conducive environment for you to pursue your passion in science and learning. SPS does this by providing a community of like-minded students and staff, enabling you to discover, nurture and ignite your passion for science and technology. This talk will highlight the features that make SPS 'special' and what it can offer you.

Pharmaceutical Science:

Integrating the Chemistry, Biology and Technology of Medicines

(65) 6516 2648

NUS Pharmaceutical Science is a unique integrative programme that covers the chemistry, biology and technology of medicinal products. Together with researchers at the international forefront of drug research, you will acquire the knowledge and technical skills needed for the discovery, development and production of new drugs and therapies. Discover the world of surprising careers open to you and how you can enrich your learning experiences by combining your course with different Majors/Minors, internships, research projects and student exchange programmes.

4pm - 4:45pm

Life Sciences

One Major, Three Specialisations, Diverse Disciplines

(65) 6516 2698

The Life Sciences Major provides comprehensive training on the essential concepts and latest research techniques critical to the diverse spectrum of disciplines in the biological and biomedical fields. Beyond three specialisations in Biomedical Science, Molecular and Cell Biology, and Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity, this course enables you to embark on study roadmaps based on individual preferences. Through Minors and Second Majors, there are ample opportunities to experience other disciplines, like Psychology, Forensic Science, Business Management, and Public Health, within and beyond the College of Humanities and Sciences.

Quantitative Finance

Quantitative Finance in NUS

(65) 6516 2738

This talk will provide information on the multidisciplinary Quantitative Finance programme which is designed for those who want to work in the quantitative side of the finance industry. The talk will cover the curriculum of this programme, which is hosted under the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, and career prospects for graduates.

FASS Student Life Panel

Beyond the Classroom

This is a discussion session between CHS undergraduates about their experience so far inside and outside of their classrooms, and what skills as well as connections they have acquired since the day they enter University.

NUS Centre for Language Studies

Multilingualism and Intercultural Competence as Your 21st Century Assets

As cultures increasingly interact and integrate with one another, multilingualism and intercultural competence have become highly coveted assets that give you a competitive edge. Come discover the value of learning one of the 10 Asian and 3 European languages at the Centre for Language Studies, including the twelve possible Minors in Language Studies that you can choose from!

5pm - 5:45pm

Social Work | Sociology | Psychology

What Mental Wellness and Health Means in the 21st Century

Mental wellness is one of the key buzzwords and global concerns of the last five years, despite it being a longstanding issue. At the same time, health outcomes and accessibility has been one of the most significant national, corporate, social and domestic concerns of contemporary times. This issue intensified during Covid, and in subsequent post-Covid years, it remains a concern that has affected many people individually and collectively. It continues to require governments and organisations to prioritize the welfare of mental health through provisions in policy. What does it mean to have mental wellness and who are the different stakeholders in this arena? This panel will further examine how we may frame perceptions in mental health, how health care practitioners approach it via diagnosis and therapy, and finally how we seek to think about the larger role of humanity and mental health.

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
Cross-Disciplinary Programme

Training a New Generation of Multidisciplinary Thinkers

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) offers a multidimensional look at social and political phenomena. The programme integrates intellectual tools and insights from three well-established disciplines of the humanities and social sciences and prepares students for the workplace of the future.