Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elementum sodales luctus. Suspendisse sagittis lorem id sem faucibus, eu consequat mauris eleifend. Suspendisse posuere massa eget dolor molestie lobortis. Pellentesque dapibus neque id elit consectetur, vitae auctor urna elementum. Nulla consectetur eros non diam vestibulum ultrices. Donec id justo quam. Quisque ac libero in tortor pulvinar tempor at quis neque. Fusce lacinia sem risus, eu imperdiet mi maximus eget. Sed vel urna vitae sem lobortis pharetra quis eget magna. Fusce mollis, metus eget tincidunt malesuada, metus dui vulputate tellus, a suscipit ipsum elit quis nisl. Etiam justo eros, fringilla ut cursus aliquet, cursus quis massa.
Your CHS Journey
Welcome to NUS' new College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS)! Our four year programme will equip with broad-based perspectives to prepare you for the changing world, help tackle increasingly complex global challenges.
Our Alumni
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elementum sodales luctus. Suspendisse sagittis lorem id sem faucibus, eu consequat mauris eleifend. Suspendisse posuere massa eget dolor molestie lobortis. Pellentesque dapibus neque id elit consectetur, vitae auctor urna elementum. Nulla consectetur eros non diam vestibulum ultrices.
Mok Yan Ni
While my present role is not directly involved in the production of methanol, my understanding of the chemical processes and testing procedures involved has enabled..
Executive, Commercial and Operations Helm Proman Methanol Pte. Ltd. BSc (Hons) Chemistry, Minor in German Language (2021)
Daniel Chong
As a risk manager overlooking the capital markets of Singapore, I’m responsible for managing the risks of the ecosystem to safeguard the interests of market...
Senior Associate, Singapore Exchange Limited BSc (Hons) Statistics, 2nd major in Economics (2018)
Shirley Khng
The knowledge gained from the linguistics modules I took shaped my thinking about language structures which has been very useful to my current role in cultural education at...
Manager (Education & Outreach), Programmes Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre BSc Applied Mathematics (2007)
Dream Job
Discipline-Based Career
The journey thus far has been challenging yet extremely rewarding. Grasping new concepts for the first time is always difficult but being able to master it eventually and seeing it into clinical practice makes it worthwhile.
Olivia Smith
BSc in Physics
The journey thus far has been challenging yet extremely rewarding. Grasping new concepts for the first time is always difficult but being able to master it eventually and seeing it into clinical practice makes it worthwhile.
Olivia Smith
BSc in Physics
The journey thus far has been challenging yet extremely rewarding. Grasping new concepts for the first time is always difficult but being able to master it eventually and seeing it into clinical practice makes it worthwhile.
Olivia Smith
BSc in Physics
Start your
own business
The journey thus far has been challenging yet extremely rewarding. Grasping new concepts for the first time is always difficult but being able to master it eventually and seeing it into clinical practice makes it worthwhile.
Olivia Smith
BSc in Physics
Start your
own business
The journey thus far has been challenging yet extremely rewarding. Grasping new concepts for the first time is always difficult but being able to master it eventually and seeing it into clinical practice makes it worthwhile.
Olivia Smith
BSc in Physics