Leading from the heart

January 18, 2024

When NUS Mathematics and Economics alumna (1992) Ms WONG Sze Keed took the helm at AIA Singapore in the midst of the pandemic, it was a difficult time for everyone. As an advocate of mental wellbeing, she believes that when her employees are well taken care of, in turn they can better take care of customers and the wider community in Singapore.

You took the helm at AIA in the middle of the COVID crisis. How did you steer the organisation through the pandemic?

To bring AIA Singapore through the pandemic, I simply chose to focus on people, by always stopping to consider what is best for our employees and customers. As someone who always sees a half-full glass, I found many new opportunities for digitalisation and optimisation that are still relevant today.

COVID-19 was also when we stepped up and prioritised our focus on the mental wellbeing of AIA staff. As a company that champions healthier, longer, better lives for individuals and families, we should first ensure the wellbeing of our own people. This is still highly relevant and important to us today as our People First mandate. 

Listening to my fellow colleagues is important to me. I started regular dialogue sessions to better connect with them, hear their concerns, provide them mental support and offer mentorship. These virtual sessions created an open platform for communication, allowing staff to share their thoughts, challenges and ideas directly with me.

What insights did you gain from the pandemic which shape your leadership?

I believe that in every crisis, there are always opportunities to be found. I always remind myself to remain calm. There is never a need for impulsive, knee-jerk reactions. No problem is ever totally unsolvable - I simply have yet to see the solution and to work harder at finding it. At times, I find that leaving the problem alone for awhile, and coming back after some time, helps me find my way to the solution.

There is never failure, only learning opportunities that have helped me later to make bolder decisions.

What is your leadership philosophy?

I feel the greatest sense of pride when seeing organisations that I previously led continue to grow their business sustainably. In my current role as CEO, witnessing my staff grow in their careers and take on larger roles motivates me greatly to keep doing what I do.

I am a great believer in people development. Putting people in the right positions where they have opportunities to flourish, while attracting and retaining high performers in the company, has always been a large focus of my career.

What are you most passionate about, professionally and personally?

Professionally, I am most passionate about my staff, customers, and AIA insurance representatives. As the lifeblood of the organisation, they are my biggest priorities. I believe in challenging my teams, to deliver consistently greater experiences to customers, and equipping AIA insurance representatives with industry-leading tools to help them be more productive and effective in serving their customers.

Personally, my greatest priority is my family, particularly my two daughters. I hope to set an example that anyone, from any background, can find and achieve success if they persevere, rise to life’s challenges and maintain the spirit of lifelong learning.

How have the knowledge and skillsets you acquired at NUS added value to your career over the years?

I believe that it is never just about learning the content you are given to study. It is the time where one acquires analytical skills and critical thinking, which will eventually become applicable in any working environment. Studying mathematics has trained and developed my analytical skillsets that immensely helped me in the development of my career. My undergraduate training and development also built a sense of tenacity in me, which is critical in working environments. 

What’s next for you?

I have never planned ahead for my career. I prefer to focus on giving my best to my current job, and I believe that the rest of my career will naturally take care of itself.