Hear from our inaugural CHS cohort – Hoo Jia Kai

March 28, 2022

It was the fascination with patterns in economics when he was at Anglo-Chinese Junior College that led Year 1 College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) student HOO Jia Kai to take up the new Cross Disciplinary Programme in Data Science and Economics (DSE).

DSE came “at the right time”, says Jia Kai, as he was intending to take up double majors in Data Science and Analytics, and Economics, in university. The discovery that DSE allows him to study the real-life applications of data science and economics theories, and how they interlink together, was also a clinching factor.

He says, “The introductory module for DSE is probably the hardest I have taken so far.” Nevertheless, Jia Kai believes it is possible to do well, by putting in consistent effort and managing his time wisely.

He adds, “The sharing sessions by current graduates working in companies like Grab and Shopee also opened my eyes to the importance of a diverse set of skills and knowledge for the working world."

Jia Kai is also contemplating a Minor in Japanese Studies to explore his personal interest in, and love of all things Japanese.

He shares with us his takeaways from the Common Curriculum so far.