Future-ready skills for careers in the digital, green and care sectors

January 3, 2022

Education Minister Chan Chun Sing speaking at the launch of the inaugural Skills Demand For The Future Economy report. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO

On 9 December 2021, Education Minister Mr CHAN Chun Sing launched the inaugural Skills Demand For The Future Economy Report on 8 December 2021, which highlights the top 20 clusters of skills most needed in the next one to three years.

Mr Chan noted that globally, there is a huge demand for digital skills, and the Singapore Green Plan and demographic changes will see the local sustainability and care industries expand rapidly in the next few years.

NUS’ College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) was set up to equip students with the knowledge and competencies to stay ahead of the curve, even as rapid technological change and economic transformation continue to change the nature of jobs.

CHS offers a distinct interdisciplinary approach that emphasises the ability to draw links and connect insights across disciplines. As part of CHS’ Common Curriculum, students have the opportunity to take modules under the key pillars of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Literacy, Design Thinking and Data Literacy. These are skillsets and knowledge recognised by the SSG report to be in high demand in the future.

The green economy comprises enterprises that are restructuring and creating new growth opportunities by shifting to environmentally sustainable business activities. For instance, CHS’ Cross Disciplinary Programme in Environmental Studies, and Majors in Chemistry, and Geography, will prepare students for careers in environmental conservation and a green economy focusing on energy and carbon efficiency.

As Singapore’s population ages, the care economy is expected to grow as well. Majors such as Social Work, for example, will prepare students for careers in sectors such as healthcare, wellness, community care and education.

Find out more about CHS’ programmes at https://chs.nus.edu.sg/programmes/#prog-overview

Read the Skills Demand For The Future Economy Report

Read the media coverage here:


