Gaining international work experience from home

November 8, 2021

In light of the global surge in COVID-19 cases, global student exposure programmes were suspended, until recently.

Travel restrictions did not stop Year 3 student Salman YUSUF (Major in Statistics and Minor in Economics) from completing an internship at Infosys, a multinational technology company, during the summer holidays. Although he was unable to be physically present at Infosys’ headquarters, Salman nevertheless came away with useful insights and learnings from the experience.

He said, “It didn’t feel like a remote internship as Infosys made the effort to engage all interns. I had daily meetings with my mentors and was given the opportunity to meet and dialogue with corporate leaders. This was really inspiring and eye-opening.”

One of the challenges Salman faced during his internship was working on a project on credit risk assessment using quantum computing.

“I did not have prior knowledge of quantum computing so I had to learn on the job. But my mentors were very willing to impart their knowledge, skills and experience,” he added.

Besides learning about quantum computing, Salman also got the chance to connect with 200 interns from around the world and work with some of them as part of the ‘InStepHacks’ Hackathon organised by the company.

Salman describes his internship experience as “truly remarkable despite it being completely remote.”