Understanding the Complexities of Being Human | Wong Yi Hao

September 14, 2021

“The interesting part of HSH1000 The Human Condition is that it is a hybrid module. It infuses some aspects of humanities into it. It is very different from what we learnt in secondary school and in junior college.” – Wong Yi Hao (Year 1, NUS Life Sciences)⁠

Exposing students to some of the enduring concerns of humanity, The Human Condition module gives them the opportunity to study the issues through a critical and interdisciplinary lens – a highly valued skill for addressing today’s complex challenges.⁠ HSH1000 covers a range of selected texts by philosophers and statesmen such as the writings of Gandhi and the Epic of Gilgamesh, allowing students to gain a deeper appreciation of the multiple genres. Yi Hao finds the reading’s guiding questions useful as they help him to comprehend the story and learn better.⁠
Watch this video to learn more about Yi Hao’s National University of Singapore, College of Humanities and Sciences experience so far: https://bit.ly/chs-thc-vid