CHS May OH2024_blue

Engagement Stations

Drop by our Department, student society and educational partner booths and discuss your future with our faculty, student leaders and various programme leads, including NUS College and NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC), as well as FASS' International Relations Office and career development specialists.


Humanities Talks

Attend our talks at the CLB Seminar Room to know about our CHS curriculum and programmes at Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences!

CHS Open House 2024 Acads and Student Life Graphic.001
11:00 - 11:45 am, 1:00 - 1:45 pm
CLB Seminar Room

FASS@CHS Academics and Student Life

Discover how CHS’ specially curated Common Curriculum and FASS' comprehensive offerings in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Asian Studies and Languages provide you with unprecedented freedom of choice in pursuing breadth and depth across academic disciplines, as well as diverse learning opportunities and student life experiences. Chart out your own pathway to suit your interests and aspirations!

12:00 - 12:45 pm
CLB Seminar Room

Student Sharing Session

Join our students as they share their learning journeys at CHS and the diverse learning opportunities they participate in, from student exchange to internships, research, residential college experience and more!

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Discover Immersive Learning

Explore the state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities available from NUS Libraries, such as the 360imx and VR/AR equipment. Experience immersive technology's impact on lessons in a wide range of courses from the fields of environmental science and geography to communications and new media.