Janice Khoo | Why CHS? Hear from our inaugural cohort!

August 26, 2021

Growing up in Mongolia - a country where nature and wildlife remain relatively undisturbed - has cultivated in Janice KHOO an innate love for the environment and fuelled her aspirations to work in the environment sector.

This led her to sign up for the inaugural Bachelor in Environmental Studies Cross-Disciplinary Programme under the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS).

She says, “The programme integrates schools of thought from both the arts and sciences. This is highly beneficial as our physical and human environments are interconnected, with many interlinkages between each of them.”

Janice is keen to learn about the history of human interactions with our planet and how to continue these interactions in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Ecology and animal behaviour are some of the modules she would like to take.

As an outdoor person, she also looks forward to heading out for fieldwork, to put her knowledge into practice. The opportunity to closely engage Professors and like-minded peers in a close-knit cohort was another draw factor to join the programme.

Janice would like to pursue a career in either research and conservation of Singapore’s wildlife, or environmental consulting.

Find out more about the programme here.