CHS Common Curriculum
The CHS Common Curriculum* is part of the degree requirement for all CHS students. It consists of Common Core Courses, Integrated Courses, and Interdisciplinary Courses. Students are strongly encouraged to complete all CHS Common Curriculum courses in their first two years except for the following three courses:
• Communities and Engagement course – Can be taken from Years 2 to 4
• Two Interdisciplinary courses – Can be taken in Years 3 and 4
The courses in the CHS Common Curriculum are designed to help students build strong foundations in reading, writing, critical thinking and numeracy, as well as to develop the traits of adaptability, resilience and empathy. Beyond this, they train students to think, synthesise and integrate knowledge and insights across disciplines towards solving complex problems, and so prepare them for a digital world and a future of change and complexity.
Common Core
Integrated Pillars
Interdisciplinary Pillars
* Students from NUS College of Humanities and Sciences will satisfy GE requirements with courses within the Common Curriculum. For the primary Major, up to 8 Units may be used to meet (i) the Major requirement and (ii) the GE or College Common Curriculum (CC) requirement. Triple counting will not be allowed.
CHS Common Curriculum Courses for Special Programmes
Students who are enrolled in cross-disciplinary programmes, the University Scholars Programme (USP), University Town College Programme (UTCP), Ridge View Residential College Programme (RVRC) or Special Programme in Science (SPS), may be able to map to some of the 13 courses of the CHS Common Curriculum. Students are required to read the remaining outstanding course(s). Please refer to the respective home faculty’s website for more information.
CHS Common Curriculum Courses for Double Degree Programmes (DDPs)
Students in CHS have the flexibility of reading a double degree programme within CHS (between contrasting primary majors), or with another Faculty/College/School outside CHS.
For DDPs within CHS
Students will only need to read one set of CHS Common Curriculum requirement.
For DDPs involving another Faculty/College/School outside CHS
Students will need to fulfil both the CHS Common Curriculum and the common curriculum of the respective Faculty/College/School. Provision has been made for possible mappings between both sets of common curriculum. Please refer to the respective home faculty’s website for more information.