New pathways, new opportunities

April 24, 2023

Eschewing the belief that there is a narrow gateway and a single pathway to success, the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) embraces a broader definition for success - one where you can take different directions, and even sidesteps or U-turns, in your pursuit of knowledge and your passions.

Versatilist, integrator or deep specialist? You choose! You can decide how specialised or generalised you would like your learning to be. Whatever your individualised pathway, CHS provides the foundations and exposure through our flexible and customisable curriculum, to help you go as far as you can.  

In the first in our series on multiple pathways, Year 2 Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Major Richmond SIN shows how deep specialists may be focused in their craft - but this doesn’t mean they’re narrow-minded!

With many industries awash in data, Richmond decided to deep dive into his degree programme to gain the skills and knowledge to collect, clean and analyse data, and to unlock insights from Big Data that “enable informed decision-making.”

To deepen his domain knowledge, he is reading the new specialisation in Operations Research for exposure to artificial intelligence (AI), computation and optimisation, computer algorithms, database and data processing, data mining and machine learning as well as high-dimensional statistics.

Post-graduation, Richmond plans to pursue Masters’ studies in machine learning and AI. In the future, Richmond hopes to pursue a career in the healthcare sector, where he will utilise his knowledge in AI optimisation to advance healthcare technology.

He says, "A life is only as fulfilling as the impact you have made on others. I aspire to use what I have learnt in DSA to make a positive impact on other people's lives."  

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